Finishing my manuscript

Last week was definitely a challenging week for me. I felt tired, had a headache and slept way more than I typically do. When I started to develop some congestion and aches, I figured I contracted a virus.

Doctors get sick too.

The truth is, we get sick worst than most. We get exposed to the germiest of germs, and the most virulent of viruses, the most resistant of bacterias; so when we go down, we go down hard. This was no different. This virus knocked me off my feet.

Three doctors visits and an ER visit later, we figured out what’s going on with me. I have something called BPPV. Benign positional paroxysmal vertigo. It’s not life threatening (thank goodness- you don’t want to know how deep down the rabbit hole I went). But it’s no fun. Basically my equilibrium is all messed up and I feel like I’m on a moving boat all the time. And I don’t even have the empty wine glass to go with that feeling. Go figure.

I am going to try to get myself fixed by an ENT soon, so wish me luck. I have never missed this much work in my entire life. The joys of ageing, I suppose. I hope my patients are okay.

But the moral of the story is, there has been a silver lining in all this. Being bed-ridden has its advantages when you love to write. I spent an entire week not doing a single thing but sitting in my bed and writing. And I finally finished my manuscript.

Now before you go and get impressed, this is for a children’s book (Like Magic Tree House or a Judy Blume Book). This book is 80 pages at best. So it can definitely be done in a week’s time without any other distractions. We aren’t talking about a JK Rowling roll-out, here. But still. I wrote it, I’m proud of it, and I’m ready to move forward with it.

Princess Nora is ready to introduce herself to the world.

So after doing a tiny bit of research (and when I say tiny, I mean that I have no clue what I’m actually doing), I downloaded QueryTracker. What a cool website! All of these agents at your fingertips with ways to track all your Queries? Who knew?

And so now begins the waiting game.

I’ve already received my first rejection, so I’m glad that’s out of the way. That rejection was so fast it actually gave me whiplash. But it’s done, so now I’m patiently waiting on my next ones.

Someone’s gotta bite, right?

Isn’t that how this works?

2 thoughts on “Finishing my manuscript

  1. First, oh no! I am so sorry you are sick! I hope you get well soon! I’m not sure if vertigo is a virulent virus or a germy germ, but I hope it clears soon!

    Second, I just love reading your voice!

    And last, I am impressed! Congratulations on finishing your manuscript!! WOW. That is really amazing accomplishment, and I cannot wait to hear more and meet Princess Nora!! I will have to look into QueryTracker. I’d be very interested in your future reviews of it.


    1. Thanks Erin! You’re so sweet to leave a comment and also, to keep checking up on me! 🙂
      Believe me, it’s all happening very slowly, (as you can see by formatting on the blog).

      Thank you for all the kind words. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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