About me


“The moment you realize that this is my circus and these are my monkeys.”

Hi there. Have a seat in my pretend pinterest-worthy living room  and ignore the mess because we both know it was clean five minutes ago and there’s just no point in tidying it up again. Did you just spend your entire day spinning those hypothetical wheels? Are you exhausted and ready for some me-time? Me too.  If it’s before 5pm, let me offer you a cup of coffee and let’s have a nice inspiring chat. If it’s after 5pm, let’s have that glass of wine we have been waiting for all day.  Cheers.

Who am I? 

My name is Marion. I’ve spent an extrodinarily long chunk of my life working towards becoming a pediatric health care professional. Somewhere in the middle of all of that, I got married, had 1.5 kids and turned into my own mother. 

I also love to write.

I’ve been writing for decades. I have a secret dream that I will move to Tuscany one day, sit in a gorgeous villa overlooking a vineyard , write all day and live like Frances Mayes. In the meantime, I’ve been settling for writing for others (newspapers, blogs, random non-committal jobs because #liability…) while waiting for the right opportunity to write for myself.

In 2018, I decided that time has come. 

Unlike many others, I didn’t have an earth shattering moment or breakthrough. There wasn’t a defining moment that made me raise my wine glass in the air and declare, “Tomorrow! I shall knit scarves for the youngins, I shall bake a pie from scratch and I shall start a blog!”.

That didn’t happen because I can’t do any of those things.

It was a more gradual process for me. A realization that now was as good a time as any and that I am basically already doing this at work all day, so why not share the love? No time like the present right? So without any knowledge of the internet world (no previous presence – really, I’ve been an internet hermit), I’m starting this blog from scratch and taking you along for the ride.

First google search: What’s a widget?

I told you we are scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

Also, whoever said this is easy, is a big fat liar. 

What kind of articles can you find here?

Once I figure out how to make this blog thing actually work, with functional buttons , a  proper logo and whatnot, you will find articles about:

  • Raising healthy and happy kids; picky eaters, non-sleepers, screen time challenges are all things I can and do talk about every day.
  • Writing a book; from conceiving the idea, to the execution to the publication process.  
  • Birthing a blog . Good God this already feels more difficult already than birthing actual babies. Next google search: What’s a host and why is my picture sideways?
  • What every  other average multi-tasking parent thinks about: cooking, recipes, gardening, school work, holidays, travel and a partridge in a pear tree… I’m not expert here. I’m your friend and confidant.

Why should you subscribe to Wonder-Parent?

Because you already are one.

You are already rocking it in a world where perfection is subjective. We are constantly reading about too much sadness and freak accidents . It’s not healthy and it’s preventing us from enjoying our lives. I want this to be your happy place. Your happy news. I want to talk about things that interest us and bring us joy Marie Kondo style.

I want to make you laugh and celebrate the humor, charm and ridiculousness in all of this.  I want to ward off your mommy-guilt. I spend too much of my day convincing parents they are doing a great job. I want to do the same for you. I want to celebrate the attempts not the accomplishments. 

Disclaimer: I swear. A lot. I’ll try to keep it PG for the purposes of this blog but if you want the true Wonder-parent experience, add an f-bomb before every noun and you’ll get the reality of the situation. 

Next disclaimer: Please don’t sue me, hold me (or anyone for that matter) liable , nor use my advice as gospel. These are just my opinions. You are the master of your own circus and I’m just along for the ride. 

Here’s a bunch of other legal jargon because we live in a strange world. 

ALL PHOTOS ON THIS BLOG ARE TAKEN BY ME (unless otherwise noted). I’m happy to have you use my photos on your site or social media but just require that you provide a link back to my site. Thanks!

DISCLOSURE: I’m a health care provider but I am not your health care provider. The information in this article is for general information purposes only and is not actual medical advice. These article do not create a physician-patient relationships. I am not liable for any losses or damages in relation to action or failure to act related to the contents of this (or any other wonder-parent) article. If you need specific medical advice, please consult with your physician. It’s that simple. 

ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURE: This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I share information with you that I feel would be helpful, however, I have to disclose that I may be compensated by advertisers or may be earning money from deals, sites , referral credits, coupons or ads in my sidebars.

The money I am paid will never influence the content that I post (in fact , it’s the other way around, and I post links in order to facilitate searches for you). I am not compensated to sway my opinion on contents or products (I’m not wired that way), websites or other topics. All opinions are 100% my own and come from personal experience.

It is also important to note that Wonder-Parent is a participant in the Amazon services LLC Associated Program. As an amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please note that amazon prices to change from time to time.


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